




办公室:青岛市黄岛区长江西路66 号,文理楼560






2011/04—2012/04Wilfrid Laurier University 商学院博士后





1.主持国家自然科学基金面上项目《基于B2B 电商的大宗商品供应链信息共享机制和合约设计研究》,编号:72071210,起止年月:2021/01—2024/12


3.主持完成国家自然科学基金面上项目《基于B2B 电子交易市场的供应链运作机制研究》,编号:70971076,起止年月:2010/01-2012/12(后期评估优秀)







1. Xing Wei, Ma Shanshan, Zhao Xuan, Liu Liming. Operational hedging or financial hedging?Strategic risk management in commodity procurement. Production and Operations Management (UTD24), 2022, available online

2. Wang Ningning, Xing Wei, Zhao Xuan. Strategic inventory in the presence of socially responsible dual distribution channels. Transportation Search Part E. 2022, 159: 102604.

3. Fu Fang, Xing Wei. An agent-based approach for project-driven supply chain problem under information asymmetry and decentralized decision- marking. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2021, 158: 107410.

4. Ma Shanshan, Xing Wei, Liu Xiaohua*, Wang Liyan. Advance booking discount for risk-averse firm in the presence of spot market. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2021, 57(8): 2246-2258.

5. Xing Wei, Li Qiankun, Zhao Xuan*, Li Jialu. Information sale and contract selection under downstream competition. Transportation Research Part E, 2020, 136: 1-14.

6. Wang Yiju*, Xing Wei*, Gao Hengxia. Optimal ordering policy for inventory mechanism with a stochastic short-term price discount. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2020, 16(3): 1187-1202.

7. Guo Libin, Li Jian*, Liu Qing, Xing Wei. Introducing an external terminal operator or not?The decision of ports in a duopoly market. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2020, 33(1): 146-166.

8. Xing Wei, Zhang Qi, Zhao Xuan*, Liu Liming. Effects of downstream entry in a supply chain with a spot market. IISE Transactions, 2019, 51(10): 1110-1127.

9. Xing Wei, Zhu Qing, Zhao Xuan*. Supply contract design under price volatility and competition. International Journal of Production Research, 2019, 57(24): 7536-7551.

10. Xing Wei, Liu Qing*, Chen Guangjun. Pricing strategies for port competition and cooperation.Maritime Policy and Management, 2018, 45(2): 260-277.

11. Li Jialu*, Yang Meiying, Xing Wei, Zhao Xuan. Information acquisition behavior: an evolutionary game theory perspective. Dynamic Games and Applications, 2018, 8(2): 434-455.

12. Wang Yiju*, Gao Hengxia, Xing Wei*. Optimal replenishment and stocking strategies for inventory mechanism with a dynamically stochastic short-term price discount. Journal of Global Optimization, 2018, 70(1): 27-53.Xing Wei*, Zou Jie, Liu Tian-liang. Integrated or decentralized: an analysis of channel structure for green products. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2017, 112: 20-34.

13. Zhao Xuan, Xing Wei*, Liu Liming, Wang Shouyang. Demand information and spot price information: supply chains trading in spot markets. European Journal of Operational Research, 2015, 246(3): 837-849.

14. Ma Shanshan, Lin Jie*, Xing Wei, Zhao Xuan. Advance booking discount in the presence of spot market. International Journal of Production Research, 2015, 53(10): 2921-2936.

15. Xing Wei Liu Liming, Wang Shouyang. 2014. More than a second channel? Supply chain strategies in B2B spot markets. European Journal of Operational Research, 239 (3): 699-710.

16. Xing Wei, Wang Shouyang, Liu Liming. 2012. Optimal ordering and pricing strategies in the presence of a B2B spot market. European Journal of Operational Research, 221(1): 87-98.部分中文论文

17. 石晓梅, 冯耕中, 邢伟, 汪寿阳.  基于B2B 电子交易市场的零售商最优订购策略。管理科学学报2011,14(4): 12‐23.

18. 邢伟, 汪寿阳, 冯耕中. 欺压与风险分担:  电子交易市场环境下最优策略分析,  管理科学学报, 2010, 13(1): 1‐9.

19. 邢伟,  汪寿阳,  冯耕中.  B2B 电子市场对零售商影响研究,  管理科学学报,  2008,11(5): 1‐6.

20. 邢伟, 汪寿阳, 赵秋红, 华国伟.  考虑公平效应的供应链双渠道最优定价分析,  系统工程理论与实践, 2011, 31(7): 1249-1256

21. 邢伟, 汪寿阳, 冯耕中.  B2B 电子市场下供需双方博弈分析, 系统工程理论与实践,  2008, 28(7): 56‐60. 

22. 李波, 王谦, 汪寿阳, 邢伟. 中外文化产业分类体系比较研究, 管理评论, 2010, 22(3): 12‐18.

23. 李佳路, 邢伟, 杨梅英. 2016. 考虑咨询公司策略的供应链均衡研究. 系统管理学报, 25(2): 293-299.

24. 黄浩, 刘鲁, 邢伟. 移动内容服务采纳模式的博弈分析, 系统管理学报, 2010, 19(2):152‐156.

25. 王磊, 张玉忠, 邢伟, 任建峰. 2017.  具有可变配送费用和固定配送时间的单机排序问题. 运筹学学报, 21(3): 14-23.



1.邢伟, 汪寿阳,  刘黎明, 冯耕中,  张琦.2014.《B2B 电子交易市场:供应链管理视角》. 科学出版社

2.邢伟, 焦青, 郭丽彬, 陈广俊. 2017.《山东省港口及临港产业协调发展战略》.北京师范大学出版社